Linear trend is useful for mapping forest degradation, land degradation, etc. This algorithm is capable of obtaining the slope of an ordinary least-squares linear regression and its reliability (p-value).
linearTrend(x, type = "lm", ...)
Linear regression is widely used to analyze forest degradation or land degradation. Specifically, the slope and its reliability are used as main parameters and they can be obtained with this function. On the other hand, logistic regression allows obtaining a degradation risk map, in other words, it is a probability map. Please see the references or see Tarazona and Maria-Miyasiro (2020).
Tarazona, Y., Maria, Miyasiro-Lopez. (2020). Monitoring tropical forest degradation using remote sensing. Challenges and opportunities in the Madre de Dios region, Peru. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 19, 100337.
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